Here are some of our most Frequently asked Questions. If you don't see the answer to your question here, please email us at We generally respond within 24 hours, maybe a little longer on the weekend. During business hours you can also call 416-789-9876.
We will refund most regularly priced items within 14 days of purchase/delivery.* You can see our full return policy by clicking here
No, Sorry. We do not accept orders for pick up in store. You'll need to order for delivery, or shop in-store.
No, sorry, we do not accept orders over the phone.
We cannot add to an order, or combine orders once you have submitted them. Once you click the 'Order Now' button, the order is locked to avoid confusion, fraud, and errors. You'll need to place a separate order.
If you need a different colour or have changed your mind altogether, send an email to with your order number and request. If we have not yet packed your order we will do everything we can to accommodate you.
When you successfully place an order, the website automatically sends out a confirmation email. You should receive it within a few minutes of finalizing your order. If you don't see it, please check your junk/spam folder, and double check the email address you entered when you placed the order. If it is still not there you can email us at for assistance.
Please be sure to add '' to your email inbox whitelist so we don't go to spam. You don't want to miss your tracking information, and if we need to contact you about your order, we will do so via email.
We make an effort to stock everything we show as available on-line, but we occasionally run out some items, colours or sizes. We will NOT substitute for items that we do not have in stock without contacting you first - Keep an eye on your inbox!
Physical Gift Cards issued in-store can only be redeemed in person. The On-Line payment system does not recognize this code, and our physical gift cards do not have the security measures available to prevent fraud that could occur with on-line activation. If you have a physical gift card it will need to be used in person.
Before you panic, click the "Order Status" link at the bottom of every page to track your order status.
If you order status displays your package tracking numbers, check with the courier website to confirm if your package is en-route or delivered. If your package shows a status of "delivered" but you still do not have it, please email us at for assistance.
That depends entirely on where you are and what you order.
With some exceptions, we process and ship most orders on the next business day.
We offer Free shipping in Canada for orders that meet a minimum value.
All Other orders are charged a flat rate based upon your purchase total. You can get an estimate by placing your items into your cart, clicking on 'Check Out' and entering your shipping address.
You can see the status of a current or past order by clicking the the "Order Status" link at the bottom of every page. You will need to log in, if you are not already.
We are located in Toronto Canada. All prices are listed and charged in Canadian dollars.
Customized orders take about 5 days to process before they ship.
Orders with other items will ship complete when the custom items are ready.
You can see full information on product customization by clicking here.
The 365 Rewards program was officially ended as of Feb. 16, 2021. No new rewards or rewards cards will be issued.
Until March 31, 2025 existing rewards may still be redeemed in-store with the rewards card present, as per the original program. Please do not send your rewards number, we cannot apply it.
After March 31 2025, 365 Rewards will no longer be accepted.